Donald Tusk, sięgając po taką, a nie inną retorykę w sprawie migracji podąża za nastrojami społecznymi, za polityczno-społecznym trendem widocznym we wszystkich zachodnich demokracjach.
Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó responded emotionally to a statement by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that Europe has the capacity to react to new US tariffs if President Donald Trump follows ...
MEPs from the left side of the European Parliament dislike the Polish prime minister’s attitude on migrations and the Green ...
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Wednesday Russia had planned acts of "air terror" against airlines worldwide, accusing Moscow of staging sabotage and diversion on Polish soil and beyond.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Wednesday that Poland, which currently holds the rotating presidency in the European Union, will "break the impasse" and speed up Ukraine's process to join the bloc.