In 2021, the City of South Burlington was awarded a grant from the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission to fund the engineering ...
Harry Baxter believed everyone should have a chance to ski. He pioneered programs for veterans with service-related injuries and the visually impaired.
The Grand Isle Fire Department is using a new device that will alert drivers half a mile down the road that they will need to clear the way. Adam White is the fire chief at the Grand Isle Fire ...
Silhouetted sailboats against a mountain backdrop. Haunting cries of loons echoing through a rising mist. The splash of water ...
Which are the largest cities in Vermont? And how many cities does this state have? Discover more about the population in ...
It's Flood Safety Awareness Week in Vermont through March 16, a reminder to Vermonters that flooding is a constant threat, ...
A heads up if you live in Burlington: The Department of Public Works will be testing the citywide parking ban lights on Wednesday. Officials said the lights will be flashing in the morning and ...
When you've heard the word, "storm" over the past few weeks, your mind may automatically start to visualize snow, especially ...
Burlington’s Department of Public Works has announced their plan to test the citywide parking ban lights Wednesday, March 12. There is no parking ban ...
Emergency responders were called to a three-vehicle collision on Route 22A near East Rd on Thursday evening, which resulted | Contact Police Accident Reports (888) 657-1460 for help if you were in ...
The Lamoille Economic Development Corp. is supporting the town of Johnson in creating a light industrial park, which has ...