美國大型品牌諮詢公司Interbrand旗下的Interbrand Japan(IBJ、位於東京都港區)2月20日發表了2025年版的日本企業品牌價值排行榜。「亞瑟士(ASICS)」的品牌價值比上年增加28%,升幅最大。「Tokyo Electron ...
日經亞洲(NikkeiAsia)今報導,由於薪資上漲與政治風險影響日本企業在中國經營,2024年在中國的日本居民人數20年來首次跌破10萬人。透過追蹤風傳媒日本外務省最新數據顯示,截至去年10月1日,在中國居住3個月以上的日本公民共9萬7538人, ...
▲日企近年逐漸撤離中國。(圖/路透社) 文/中央社 日經亞洲(Nikkei Asia)今天報導,由於薪資上漲與政治風險影響日本企業在中國經營,2024年在中國的日本居民人數20年來首次跌破10萬人。
黃麗幗 (Ruby Wong) 現為日興資產管理ETF 業務發展總監,專注於推動日興資產管理亞洲北部的ETF業務發展、銷售及市場推廣。在加入日興資產管理之前,Ruby擔任海通國際環球市場部高級副總裁,負責股票衍產品的市場推廣、投資者教育及為持份者提供專業分析,亦於傳媒行業有超過五年的工作經驗,曾任無綫電視新聞部高級主播。Ruby為證監會持牌人,擁有香港中文大學企業傳訊碩士學位。
《日經亞洲評論》 (Nikkei Asia)援引未具名消息人士的話報導稱,監管機構已延長中國外賣巨頭美團 (Meituan)的反壟斷整改期,未就監管審視將於何時結束給出明確的時間框架。
Nikkei 225 is an index which belongs to the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) calculates the index daily since 1950. The calculation of Nikkei 225 index began on ...
Nikkei's look into the behind-the-scenes details of negotiations between the two Japanese automakers sheds new light on how plans for this proposed historic merger collapsed after just one month.
[Photo/Agencies] Nissan Motor will suspend merger talks with Honda Motor, as the two Japanese automakers have been unable to agree on key stipulations, such as the integration ratio, Nikkei ...
Nikkei has learned. The plan will extend financial assistance to about 270 Indian graduate students and conduct recruitment activities in the South Asian country.
TOKYO, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Japan's Honda Motor (7267.T), opens new tab plans to launch a small electric vehicle priced below $30,000 in North America by as early as 2026, the Nikkei newspaper said ...
Meanwhile, Honda has reportedly concluded that a merger would be difficult and is expected to convene its own board meeting soon to determine its response, according to Nikkei. The automakers ...