Weil es Papier spart. Paper-Tablets richten sich vor allem an Menschen, die handschriftliche Notizen, Skizzen und Zeichnungen herstellen möchten, ohne haufenweise Papier dafür verbrauchen zu wollen.
Marion Jones/Instagram Olympic athlete Marion Jones is no longer running away from her past. The former track-and-field star — who won three gold medals and two bronze medals at the 2000 Sydney ...
Before appearing on season 3 of Fox’s Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, Marion Jones had waged plenty of battles in the court of public opinion. Jones, 49, won five medals — three gold ...
The two researchers who helped discover the identity of Adrian Dittmann, the X user many incorrectly believed was Elon Musk, are being asked to delete more posts about the matter after initially ...
Im Betriebskindergarten des öffentlich-rechtlichen Senders ORF in Wien wurde ein Plakat mit Zeichnungen nackter Menschen, darunter auch Transgender-Personen, aufgehängt. Die Eltern eines Kindes ...
Elon Musk has reportedly banned journalist Jacqueline Sweet from X for publishing a probe that revealed Adrian Dittmann was a real person living in Fiji. A weird conspiracy theory alleging that X ...
Jacqueline Sweet, a contributor for the conservative magazine The Spectator World, did a deep dive into long-percolating rumors that Musk was using a burner account under the name Adrian Dittmann ...
The man, Adrian Dittmann, who goes by the same name on X has regularly posted positively about Musk and his exploits. He also sounds eerily like Musk, having engaged with the technology mogul seve ...
A conspiracy is rising that Mr Musk is masquerading as a gamer and all-around computer wizz called Adrian Dittmann. It’s hardly Darth Sidious rising to power in Star Wars while moonlighting as ...