The proposal comes after a pair of scathing audits about the L.A. Homeless Services Authority, known as LAHSA. If approved, ...
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
The vote was announced Thursday by Supervisor Lindsey Horvath. The motion from Horvath and Supervisor Kathryn Barger would yank the funding from LAHSA and instead have the county oversee the spending.
The board of supervisors reject a proposed hiring freeze, yet the LA County CEO says spending in 2026 budget is fraught with ...
The Times filed a public records request for all text messages sent or received by the mayor while she was in transit that ...
Officials announced today that a new, unified access pass is available for areas of Pacific Coast Highway that were ...
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors officially declared last November to be Native American Heritage Month. Supervisors Hilda Solis and Lindsey Horvath co-authored the motion, which recognizes ...
The task force is meant to foster public participation, conduct research, and provide recommendations to the Board of ...