Star Chris Pine has himself expressed a desire for a smaller-scale Trek movie that would give it a greater chance of ...
Some of the Star Trek franchise's coolest characters can only be found in the various comics published over the years. Here ...
Scorpion may be the gold standard when it comes to cold opens in Star Trek. It is certainly among the shortest while also ...
Strange New Worlds is one of the only new Star Trek shows to stick around, and franchise mainstay Jonathan Frakes knows why.
In Star Trek #30, Kahless II gets the universe's most intense therapy session when time crystals force him to confront his ...
Given the impact of Game of Thrones at the time, Michelle Yeoh feared she would be axed amidst the show's attempt to catch ...
To borrow a phrase from another controversial series, it’s been a long road for Star Trek: Discovery. Discovery was developed ...
Writer Joshua Patton recently complained about Trek’s “toxic fans” — aka conservatives, typically — a relatively new concept ...