Almost 82 years after he was killed in a strange accident while serving in New Guinea, Panola County’s most decorated soldier ...
By Donna Traywick Mt. Olivet News I heard a wonderful story this week that I must pass along. My neighbor spent five days in ...
Penton-Miller Columnist Everywhere I look I see bunnies. Bunny pillows, bunny figurines, and I even have my very first ...
Panola Partnership ambassadors were joined by city officials on Thursday, March 6, for the ribbon cutting to mark the opening ...
In 1947, the Citizen’s Library Movement of DeSoto County was joined by supervisors of DeSoto, Lafayette, Panola, and Tate ...
By James L. Cummins Conservation Columnist Poison Prevention Week is March 16-22, 2025. The third week in March each year is ...
By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist I have a shop on our property. It is a real blessing and one for which I am grateful. Although it lacks specific amenities such as heat and air conditioning, I remain ...
Ruby Rd., residential fire, several structures involved, county has attempted two tones with no response, mutual aid requested. Harris Rd., county requesting assistance, grass fire near Barnacre Rd., ...
By T.J. Ray Columnist Since we call oranges orange, why don’t we call lemons yellows and apples reds? Future shock occurs when you are confronted by the fact that the world you were educated to ...
The Board of Supervisors on Monday voted to advertise again for bids to complete site work for the planned Northwest Aeronautical School at the Panola County Airport after hearing the lowest quote ...
By Sid Salter Columnist On March 7, the Democratic Minority of the bipartisan and congressionally created Joint Economic Committee — one of two economic advisory committees established in 1946 — ...
I haven’t watched Meghan Markle’s Netflix cooking show, “With Love, Meghan.” I admired Princess Diana and have similar feelings for Prince William, as well as his wife, Princess Kate. Stodgy King ...