Check Outage Status - SCE
SCE is currently affected by significant power outages. Visit the Major Outages page for more details.
Outage Center | Home - SCE
Whether you’re looking to report an outage, find out when your power will be restored, or learn about the different types of outages, including why they happen and how best to prepare for them, our Outage Center is a great starting point for all of your outage-related needs!
Get Outage Alerts - SCE
Find out when an outage of any kind may affect your neighborhood. Go to the Preference Center in My Account and choose to receive alerts by email, text, or voice call. Sign Up for Outage Alerts
Public Safety Power Shutoffs| Wildfire | Home - SCE
Our top priority during a power outage is your safety and that of our crews. Follow the link below for programs and services that can help you prepare for a Public Safety Power Shutoff. Learn More
Outage Types - SCE
Use our Outage Map to view current outages and stay informed about outages in progress. To receive outage updates via email, mobile text, or phone, sign up to receive alerts.
Report a Power Outage | Outage Center | Home - SCE
IMPORTANT: Due to the extreme winds and resulting damage and fires, we are currently unable to provide detailed outage information and restoration times.
Power Outages FAQ - SCE
Occasionally, you may experience a temporary loss of power due to weather or other circumstances. Take a moment to review the frequently asked power and outage questions on this page to plan ahead and prepare.
Maintenance Outage
Visit our Outage Map to see if power in your neighborhood is shut off due to a maintenance outage.
Southern California Edison - SCE
Stay Away From Downed Power Lines If you see a downed power line or dangling wire, stay 100 feet away from it or anything that is in contact with it and call 911 immediately. Learn More
Outage Tips | Outage Center | Home - SCE
If you’re not home when a power outage occurs, determine how long power has been out. Check the internal temperature of perishables in your refrigerator with a quick-response thermometer – any item above 40 degrees should be thrown out.